Meet the Artist

As a survivor of domestic violence, I spent years walking on eggshells…striving, avoiding, quieting, accommodating, shrinking, fearing until the cumulative tragic affect had me isolated and invisible.

Ironically, the eggshell fragility had taken on its own form in the shell of myself I had become - confidence eroded, voice silenced and posture bent over.

Through times of great crushing, I always found myself surrendering to the creative, to the possibility for something different, something more, and something beautiful.

In my recovery and restoration, I have taken the very things that have caused pain and transformed them into emblems of purpose and beauty.

A reminder - an invitation perhaps, for all of us to live authentically and behold beauty.

Brighter Days

Radiant Collective

It all began with an idea.

For me it was the idea of being able to see beautiful again.